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Places to Report Problems with Litter

Litter, an ugly little word that can create a big, ugly problem. No one likes litter. Most pitch in to ensure our streets, neighborhoods, and country are as tidy as can be. Sadly, there are those who don’t do their part, but this is no time to cast stones. None of us have a spotless litter track record. The answer is to figure out the ways we can each do the best thing for our communities and the environment to get rid of litter.

The first, simplest, and most overlooked practice is to pick up a piece of rubbish. If you see a bit of rubbish in the streets, throw it in the nearest bin. Easy, right? It may be a bit unpleasant, but in an era of pocket sized hand sanitizer, it’s nothing we can’t handle. It may seem trite, but sometimes the simplest, smallest answers are the best ones. If everyone picked up one piece per day, how much more rubbish would be off the streets? How much cleaner would the streets be? It is idealistic, but it all starts with a handful of people willing to do it.

Another kind of common litter harder to combat is car litter. There is nothing quiet as maddening as driving down the motorway and seeing rubbish fall out of a car like a dustcart with an open hatch. In these cases, you have some recourse. Driving down the motorway isn’t the time to solve the problem, but if you can collect certain bits of information you can log on to Keepbritaintidy. The website allows you to report someone littering on the motorway with a simple form. You need to be able to identify things like where, the make and model of the vehicle, as well as what type of rubbish, but the website is a great resource in helping regulate litter and litter bugs.

If the litter in question is in your neighborhood, a quick call to your council should get it sorted. By going to this site you can find the information necessary to report litter to your council. If it’s one of those all too common situations where it’s your own rubbish, call the best before it can become litter. The men and women at Rubbish Please are experts at taking unwanted things, both large and small, off your hands. Rubbish Please will work tirelessly to ensure your rubbish goes to the right place.

Do your part for litter. Wether it be one small bit or making sure your rubbish goes where it belongs, the difference begins with you.

Monte F. Monreal

About Monte Monreal

Reader, writer, traveler, dog lover. And there is never enough of any of the above.
Posted in Recycle, Waste News and tagged fly-tipping, litter, report. Bookmark the permalink.

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